Library featuring a command handler pattern for both synchronous and asynchronous operations.
Uses a functional Result approach for failure-prone operations.
To utilize all features using Autofac is required.
- Synchronous and asynchronous command handler definitions
- Definitions and base implementations of commands
- Supports decorators and adapters via Autofac's methods
There are two command types - one that only returns a Result and one that returns an additional entity contained within the Result.
Every handler must return a Result struct which determines whether the operation succedeed or not, handlers may or may not return additional results contained within the Result struct - this is defined by the handled comand.
To register handlers with the DI container use the ContainerBuilder
or IServiceCollection
extension methods provided by the library:
To register decorators or adapters use the methods available on ResultCommanderConfiguration like so:
builder.AddResultCommander(assembliesToScan, options =>
options.AddDecorator<FancyDecorator, ISyncCommandHandler<SimpleCommand>();
You can register multiple decorators and they'll be applied in the order that you register them - read more at Autofac's docs regarding decorators and adapters.
Documentation available at
Example usage
You should never throw exceptions from within handlers, they should be exception free - instead return appropriate error results (and catch possible exceptions). Library offers a simple error catching, logging and exception to result error decorators for uses where writing try-catch blocks becomes a pain - but remember that these results will never be as informative as manually returned proper result error types.
A command without a concrete result:
public record SimpleCommand(bool IsSuccess) : ICommand;
And a synchronous handler that handles it:
public class SimpleSyncCommandHandler : ISyncCommandHandler<SimpleCommand>
public Result Handle(SimpleCommand command)
if (command.IsSuccess)
return Result.FromSuccess();
return new InvalidOperationError();
A command with a concrete result:
public record SimpleCommandWithConcreteResult(bool IsSuccess) : ICommand<int>;
And an asynchronous handler that handles it:
public SimpleAsyncCommandHandlerWithConcreteResult : IAsyncCommandHandler<SimpleCommand, int>
public async Task<Result<int>> Handle(SimpleCommand command)
if (command.IsSuccess)
return 1;
return new InvalidOperationError();